About the BCDMOA

Importance of Community DMOs & Long-Term, Stable Funding

March 2023
  • Travel and Tourism foster personal growth;health & well-being; learning & education;
    understanding & tolerance; and, ultimately, contribute to global peace.
  • The Tourism Industry in British Columbia is an economic and social powerhouse, delivering more
    than $20.3 billion in revenue in 2019, and representing more than 19,000 businesses and
    130,000 jobs across the province – located in large, medium and small destinations; both urban
    and rural; across cities, towns and resorts.
  • DMOs (Destination Management & Marketing Organizations) are integral to the fabric of these
    tourism communities, championing and advocating for balanced and responsible tourism that
    contributes to vibrant local businesses, thriving residents, and inspired visitors.
    A healthy tourism economy:

    • reflects a local community’s values, character, and spirit
    • supports investment into attractions and infrastructure benefitting visitors and locals
    • provides community services and amenities
    • creates local jobs, prosperity, and well-being
    • cherishes and protects the natural environment
Stakeholder Engagement
  • DMOs now take a leadership role in engaging all destination stakeholders (businesses, nonprofit agencies, local government, First Nations, residents and visitors) in determining
    community priorities around tourism – with broader responsibilities around destination
    development and community building.
  • Specifically, today’s DMOs collaborate with stakeholders to align on community-wide tourism
    goals and priorities that support:

    • Community Values
    • Economic Buoyancy
    • Business Strength & Resiliency

    • Corporate Investment & Re-investment
    • Social Benefits (jobs, training, social services)
    • Cultural Depth & Representation
    • Health & Safety
    • Attractions & Infrastructure
    • Environmental Protection

    • Pride of Place
Best Practices
  • Customized to the requirements of each destination, DMO’s prioritize tourism visitation in need
    periods – whether in high-season summer in rural destinations, low-season winter in city
    destinations, or year-round midweek days and spring/ fall months in resort destinations.
  • In addition to demand-generation activities of marketing and sales, DMOs are also responsible
    for delivering destination development programs (such as attracting and creating new events
    and experiences); and supporting destination stewardship (such as rolling out sustainability
    frameworks, and providing education on responsible and regenerative tourism practices).
  • Specific best practices of DMOs include:

    • Collaborative place branding with all stakeholders that confirms and promotes the
      tangible and intangible qualities of a destination based on its history, geography,
      climate, people, culture, values, and ethos

    • Research that monitors consumer trends, traveler intentions, guest satisfaction, and
      resident sentiments of travel and tourism
    • Attraction of meetings, conferences, and business events during spring and fall

    • Marketing and sales partnerships with relevant Travel Trade partners to support inmarket promotion in overseas markets
    • Attraction of signature sporting and cultural events, and development of local grassroots festivals, events and experiences
    • Packaging and promotion of destination recreation, sports, arts, culture, culinary,
      wellness, learning & educational experiences
    • Hosting of global media and social influencers in-market and in-destination
    • Data and insights-driven digital marketing targeting leisure visitors with personalized
      messages matching customer interests with destination values and experiences during
      need periods
    • Creation of original content, and sharing of user-generated content, through web, blog,
      social channels

    • Messaging and education to support diversity, equity, inclusion, reconciliation and
      environmental sustainability
    • Support of businesses through labour recruitment campaigns, job fairs, workforce
      development and tourism training
    • Support of businesses through providing market insights, brand education and
      messaging, social media training, marketing tools (videos, photography, social posts),
      business promotions
    • Collaboration and information sharing with tourism stakeholders and industry partners
      to grow knowledge and expertise; and engagement and advocacy with all levels of
      government to support tourism businesses and destination success
    • Coordination of businesses to participate in sustainable accreditation frameworks,
      increasing commitment to sustainable environmental practices
    • Messaging and education to support diversity, equity, inclusion, reconciliation and
      environmental sustainability
  • Need for strong, stable and secure funding to support consistent, ongoing investments into
    short-term, mid-term and long-term destination development and market development
    programs that produce positive results for local and provincial stakeholders
  • Specifically, today’s DMOs collaborate with stakeholders to align on community-wide tourism
    goals and priorities that support:

    • Visitor-generated MRDT provides fair and equitable performance-based, formula
      funding to support ongoing investments into tourism programs, projects and marketing
      o Engagement of destination stakeholders (business and government) on the strategic
      direction of MRDT funding investments ensures alignment and accountability
    • Engagement of destination stakeholders (business and government) on the strategic
      direction of MRDT funding investments ensures alignment and accountability
    • Tourists invest in communities and generate MRDT; businesses thrive and support local
      jobs; MRDT investments improve the destination and generate future tourism visits –
      and so the cycle continues, providing long-term certainty for businesses, employment
      for residents, and provincial tax revenues.
  • Over and above the financial benefits that DMO’s deliver through stimulating destination
    tourism – DMOs help communities become more vibrant, dynamic, diverse and enjoyable places
    to work, visit and live, fostering pride of place by residents and visitors alike